Subject: open firmware 1.0.5
To: None <>
From: Erik Osheim <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/27/2003 03:55:18
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After struggling for a couple of days, I managed to get an 8500/120 to
boot a custom-built CD. The problem, as it turned out, was that OF was
appending ";1" to all the filenames, so the command ended up looking
scsi-int/sd@3:0,OFWBOOT.XCF;1 NETBSD.GZ;1
The standard install CD is a hybrid, so I could "dir" it in OF. I spent
many hours cursing at the thing before building my own CD. The custom
CD was pure ISO9660, so I could "dir" it and immediately saw that OF
was appending the ";1" to all (both) of the filenames.
Once I booted the machine, everything went smoothly. I'm setting up
pkgsrc to use CVS to update as I type.
Is this a known problem, or is my 8500 just precocious? I didn't see
any mention of it in any of the install docs (this is the first 1.0.5
machine I've installed onto). Perhaps the documentation needs to be
If anyone else wants a pure ISO9660 boot-CD to use, I can put the ISO
(all 2.5 MB of it) online.
-- Erik
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