Subject: Re: 7600 OF garbage
To: Matt R <>
From: Cameron Kaiser <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/19/2003 16:00:39
> Trying to get to the OF prompt on my 7600. Running
> Mac OS 8.5. I have downloaded system disk and the
> pacther forcing the machine to use 640x480 at 60hz.
> On reboot, the screen flickers and then changes to a
> weird light blue/green. I don't see the promt or
> anything remotely useful. And ideas what is wrong?
Stupid question check list:
* You did run the patcher app?
* You ran the patched system disk application, not the unpatched one?
* You aren't using some strange monitor cable or a Mac-VGA converter?
* You're using internal video?
* You set your output device to /chaos/control?
---------------------------------- personal: --
Cameron Kaiser, Floodgap Systems Ltd * So. Calif., USA *
-- God made the integers; all else is the work of Man. -- Kronecker -----------