Subject: Re: problem netbooting iBook
To: Ronald van der Pol <>
From: Michael Wolfson <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/12/2003 12:38:25
OK, so just to be clear, you're saying the only way to netboot your iBook
is the following sequence of commands:
0 > reset-all
0 > dev enet:0
0 > boot enet:0,ofwboot.xcf enet:/netbsd
Is that right?
And you're saying the following (as recommended in the INSTALL notes) does not:
0 > boot enet:0,ofwboot.xcf enet:0,/netbsd
Which model iBook? See for help figuring out
what model you've got.
-- MW
At 2:06 PM +0200 6/12/03, Ronald van der Pol wrote:
:)On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 23:06:50 +0200, Ronald van der Pol wrote:
:)> On Sat, May 10, 2003 at 19:50:44 +0200, Ronald van der Pol wrote:
:)> > I just bought an iBook and I am trying to netboot NetBSD on it.
:)> > It loads the ofwboot.xcf via tftp, but then it fails.
:)> >
:)> > I do:
:)> > 0 > boot net:0,ofwboot.xcf netbsd
:)> After some experimenting the correct command turned out to be:
:)> 0 > boot enet:0,ofwboot.xcf enet:/netbsd
:)> or
:)> 0 > boot enet:,ofwboot.xcf enet:/netbsd
:)> 0 > boot enet:0,ofwboot.xcf enet:0/netbsd --> does NOT work
:)> After halting NetBSD the boot prompt is shown. I notice that
:)> typing the commands above do not work anymore at that stage
:)> to boot NetBSD again.
:)Sorry, just want to get this in the archives for searches.
:)It looks like it only works when I start with a:
:)0 > dev enet:0
:)Maybe some OF prom expert can explain this?
:)I find netbooting (running diskless) NetBSD on the iBook quite useful.
:)Now I can experiment with NetBSD without having to reformat my disk.
:)When I am satisfied with NetBSD I can reformat and install it on my
:) rvdp