Subject: Re: 7500 SCSI hard drive timeout?
To: None <>
From: Russell McManus <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 05/25/2003 15:39:35 (ben byram-wigfield) writes:
> Then I get a big list of the files installing, which stops prematurely
> with the message "timout on mesh0".
> mesh0 is something to do with the SCSI interface. So is my hard drive
> timing out?
> It's a standard Apple/IBM issue drive, so I'm not sure why this should
> be, particularly as the drive is being written to at the time!
> I'd be grateful to know if this is a problem that anyone else has
> encountered, or if it's a special problem I've created for
> myself. (The whole Mac is custom built from scrounged parts!)
do you have an empty socket on the scsi cable before you get to your
drive? I've gotten mesh0 timeouts in this case which I have resolved
by moving the drive closer to the controller, i.e. not leaving any
sockets open between the controller and the drive.