Subject: Re: iBook multiboot swap
To: David Friggens <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/11/2003 17:20:45
At 11:53 AM +1200 4/12/03, David Friggens wrote:
> > What does disklabel say?
># disklabel wd0
># /dev/rwd0c:
>type: ESDI
>disk: IBM-IC25N030ATCS
> b: 1048576 9937008 Apple UFS 0 0 0 # (Cyl. 9858*- 10898*)
> e: 20966496 10985584 Apple UFS 0 0 0 # (Cyl.
>10898*- 31698*)
>(I repartitioned and reinstalled, putting the Linux bootstrap partition
>after the others so that the root and swap for NetBSD would come up as
>wd0a and wd0b.)
>These translate in the Apple partition table (as shown in Linux) below as:
>wd0a <-> hda2 (NetBSD /)
>wd0b <-> hda3 (UFS swap)
>wd0d <-> hda7 (OSX)
>wd0e <-> hda4 (shared /home partition)
>wd0f <-> hda6 (Linux boot)
>wd0g <-> hda8 (free space from OS X partitioner :-)
>root # mac-fdisk /dev/hda
>/dev/hda3 Apple_UFS swap 1048576 @ 9937008 (512.0M) Unknown
>/dev/hda4 Apple_UFS Home 20966496 @ 10985584 ( 10.0G) Unknown
I don't know what to say. I would have thought that NetBSD would do
what you tell it in /etc/fstab. Maybe the fact that there *is* a
*different* partition that comes up as "b" in NetBSD somehow take
precedence over the fact that you told it to swap on the "e"
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