Subject: macppc packages on OS X?
To: None <>
From: Louis Guillaume <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/10/2003 10:40:06
I believe in the recent Article below, Michael Wolfson was suggesting
that we could use the enormously superior NetBSD package system to
install NetBSD/macppc binaries that will WORK on OS X.
Is this completely true? If so, what are the details? Do we get to use
the tools like pkg_add etc or just pax, with no tracking/dependency checks?
That would be such an incredibly sweet alternative to fink!
And if this is the case, couldn't OS X binaries work on NetBSD without
In the Article "Re: Booting from hd-DOS partition"
Anselm Garbe wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 08, 2003 at 11:12:38AM -0700, Michael Wolfson wrote:
>>At 12:55 PM +0200 4/8/03, you wrote:
>>:)I own a summer 2002 ibook (G3 700, 20GB, Radeon 7500) and I don't like
>>:)Mac OS X because I worked with UNIX for years now and I don't like
>>:)click-guis, like Aqua - I prefer ion, larswm, ratpoison or such wm's.
>>No problem. Just install XFree86, log on with the username ">console" and
>>it'll give you a text console login prompt. Then you startx. Install the
>>NetBSD packages (or fink) and the only way you'd know you weren't running a
>>"normal" BSD is that power management would work, and you'd have to deal
>>with NetInfo.