Subject: Re: Booting from hd-DOS partition
To: None <>
From: Anselm Garbe <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/08/2003 20:19:40
On Tue, Apr 08, 2003 at 11:12:38AM -0700, Michael Wolfson wrote:
> At 12:55 PM +0200 4/8/03, you wrote:
> :)I own a summer 2002 ibook (G3 700, 20GB, Radeon 7500) and I don't like
> :)Mac OS X because I worked with UNIX for years now and I don't like
> :)click-guis, like Aqua - I prefer ion, larswm, ratpoison or such wm's.
> No problem. Just install XFree86, log on with the username ">console" and
> it'll give you a text console login prompt. Then you startx. Install the
> NetBSD packages (or fink) and the only way you'd know you weren't running a
> "normal" BSD is that power management would work, and you'd have to deal
> with NetInfo.
I used a configuration this way last months, but it seems to me that
it's to much overhead. Darwin really sucks with non-US locale support,
so >console is not really usable for Non-US iBooks.
XDarwin worked ok, but also - I didn't needed it.
> :)Is it possible to boot from a DOS partition (all partitions created
> :)with disklabel) with OF3 and ofwboot.xcf?
> Should be, but we don't have the framework in place to deal with it
> automatically.
Tried it using disklabel, but OF3 doesn't seem to recognize the dos
partition. Well, I'm going to use the mac os x disk utility of the
installation disk now and create a minimal MacOS HFS+ partition to
place ofwboot.xcf now.
Anselm R. Garbe () ascii ribbon campaign - against html mail /\ - against microsoft attachments