Subject: Booting from hd-DOS partition
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/08/2003 12:55:39
Hi there,
I own a summer 2002 ibook (G3 700, 20GB, Radeon 7500) and I don't like
Mac OS X because I worked with UNIX for years now and I don't like
click-guis, like Aqua - I prefer ion, larswm, ratpoison or such wm's.
I installed NetBSD on it, but noticed that OpenFirmware 3 isn't able to
boot from a ffs partition. Because I don't want spend some space for
MacOS-alike partitions I ask you, if you've any experiences with
placing ofwboot.xcf into a DOS partition (created with disklabel) onto
the internal hd of the iBook!?
Is it possible to boot from a DOS partition (all partitions created
with disklabel) with OF3 and ofwboot.xcf?
If so, it'll be nice to hear positive echo, because I'm going to try it
in the evening.