Subject: Re: Apus C500
To: None <>
From: Alan Hourihane <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/01/2003 10:46:40
"Henry B. Hotz" <> wrote in message
> At 12:08 AM +0100 4/1/03, Alan Hourihane wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I've accidentally set the load-base to a low value on my Apus 2000 (c500)
> >box and
> >now the machine no longer boots or gives me an open firmware prompt.
> >
> >I've tried the cuda switch and the Option+Command+P+R keys, but it
> >reset the PRAM either.
> >
> >Is it actually possible to overwrite the firmware on these machines ? It
> >only
> >mentions in the NetBSD faq that it's possible on OF3 machines, but not on
> >OF2 machines.
> >
> >help..... :(
> If it's not been overwritten (you have nvram not eeprom) then you
> just need to unplug the power and remove the motherboard battery for
> a while (try overnight).
I'd read this somewhere else, so I ended up doing this last night and it's
to my surprise. I'd left it for about 30 minutes before which I thought
be long enough, but it certainly needed a lot longer.
Thanks to both who replied.