Subject: (OT) seeking serial terminal emulation application
To: '' <>
From: Schwerzmann, Stephan <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/14/2003 09:14:14
(* 2nd attemp to reach - first does not show up in
archive *)
dear experts,
please forgive for my OT enquiry, but the netbsd mailing lists are so a
good source of tech info
I am looking for an application that does emulate a serial terminal (aka
glass tty) for, ehm.. well.. MacOS X (Jaguar) on my TiBook 500MHz with a
Keyspan USB-Serial adapter.
Terminal and iTerm (found by help of are not what I am
looking for (except IFF someone can tell about hidden fatures and how to
what I could not find so far, is the same type of thing that ClarisWorks
up to V.5 had built in and now is missing in AppleWorks V.6
(or HyperTerminal under windows, for completing up comparison charts)
expressed an _equivalent_problem_ in other words: "I'm tired of carrying
my VT-100 on my motorbike" (yes I have one of each :-)
My excuse for asking here is some hope that maybe an app in NetBSD
userland fits my need if I can manage to compile/port it to OSX
(I've already tried now and then to install NetBSD on misc. hardware of my
personal computer museum, but lack of time prevented me to overcome
so if some kind soul can give a pure NetBSD answer/solution it's ok for
me, and being less of OT it can remain on the list :-)
it would also be ok to run on OSX/beige G3 DT (on board serial ports -
instead of USB-Serial adapter)
thanks in advance
OT^2: I found on my OSX installation (/var/library I
what's that? neither man nor Help do give me a clue...
Is it really an OSX app? how to start it? from commandline?
OT^3: no, no M$/x86 equipment in my household ;-)