Subject: Re: Discrepencies in how MBR labels work
To: Christopher Tribo <>
From: Bob Nestor <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/13/2003 21:17:08
On Thursday, March 13, 2003, at 08:27 PM, Christopher Tribo wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Mar 2003, Henry B. Hotz wrote:
>> At 7:45 PM -0500 3/13/03, Michael G. Schabert wrote:
>>> At 9:09 PM -0500 3/8/03, James Chacon wrote:
>>>>> The Cube is OF3, so I suppose what you've found is NA for OF1. Is
>>>>> there are reason you don't just put ofwboot.xcf in an Apple HFS
>>>>> partition like we usually do for OF3?
>>>> We don't have any tools to make HFS partitions on netbsd and my
>>>> cube no
>>>> longer has any macos on it (new drive).
>>> Wouldn't pdisk work?
>> 1) Do we have a version of pdisk for NetBSD, or just for MacOS and
>> Linux?
>> 2) Pdisk would only create the partition map entry. It wouldn't
>> format the partition or copy files into it. You'd need something
>> like hfsutils on some already-running NetBSD system in order to do
>> the rest of the job.
> Or steal the apps that NetBSD/mac68k (used to?) use that run from
> MacOS and adapt them for PPC.
they don't handle IDE disks, don't work on disks on the second SCSI
bus, are sorely out of date and have known problems. They also don't
do any better at creating HFS partitions (they don't even know about
HFS+ partitions) and they can't initialize or populate HFS partitions.
In short they are less of a solution than pdisk. Sysinst on the mac68k
port works much better and is preferred over the old utilities which
are no longer actively supported. (Unfortunately sysinst requires more
RAM to support an installation than the old utilities and can't install
from HFS partitions.) I've ported the mac68k version of sysinst to
macppc but it still has a problem dealing with the old partition map
that may have been created by the current version of sysinst/macppc.