Subject: Unable to Install onto a PowerCenter 132 - I/O error reading block zero
To: None <>
From: Dave Bate <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/19/2003 22:20:19

     I am having some troubles installing NetBSD onto a PowerCenter 132. 
 I've been able to plug in a serial cable
into the modem port, and use Zterm on my Powerbook 1400 to do the 
install.  I am able to get to Open Firmware
and boot the installer that is on my floppy.

After the installer is done loading I get the sysinst menu driven 
install, and when I select 1, to install onto my
Hard Drive I get this error:

esp0: illegal command: 0xc2 (state 2, phase 3, prevphase1)
esp0: SCSI bus reset
sd0: waiting for pack to spin up....
esp0: illegal command: 0xc2 (state 2, phase 3, prevphase1)
esp0: SCSI bus reset
sd0: waiting for pack to spin up....
sd0: I/O error reading block zero

I found only one disk, sd0.   Therefore I assume you want to install 
NetBSD on it.

esp0: illegal command: 0xc2 (state 2, phase 3, prevphase1)
esp0: SCSI bus reset
Can't read disklabel on  /dev/rsd0c

sysinst terminated

 This then puts me at # prompt ,where I can ping external web pages. 
 When I say reboot, it says rebooted by root.

In order to get around this, i've tried taking internal 2G drive that 
came with the Powercenter, and

formatting it with Drive Setup 1.91, as 2GB Mac OS partion.   I've also 
tried formatting it with Drive Setup
as 2GB AUX Root partion, I've tried partioning it as a root partition, 
but every time that I do this, I get the same error messages.

Can anybody see what I need to do, in order to get the sysinst installer 
to use the internal drive that came with my Powercenter?

I've gone ahead and re-installed YellowDogLinux 2.3 back onto the 
computer for now, as that computer is my Firewall/Gateway box, and
I need it up and running, but I would prefer to get off of Unix and be 
back on a BSD variant.

Any help would be appreciated.

