Subject: Re: NetBSD on ANS 700 ?
To: Michael Bartosh <>
From: Daniel Eggert <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/30/2003 12:40:57
Hi Michael,
I wrote the pdf-guide. I'd be more than mappy to help you get things going.
On Thursday, January 30, 2003, at 07:02AM, Michael Bartosh <> wrote:
>Several months ago (oct) I attempted to install NetBSD on my ANS 700,
>according to a pdf I found online.
>I tried again today- with newly downloaded cd images
>but i'm still getting:
>bad partition number, using CLAIM0 failed
>..when I try to boot the cd.
OK. First of all: The message 'bad partition number, using 0' is ok. It just tells you, that Open firmware will use partition 0 to boot from, which is what you want anyway. The bad thing is the 'CLAIM failed' message (the two messages are printed without space between them). Whenever you get a 'CLAIM failed' message, you need to reboot the ANS (press the reset button twice to skip the lengthy RAM check).
I suppose you're using an external CD-ROM drive. Yes?
Are you using a serial console? You need to. If you use a keyboard and monitor connected to the ANS things won't work. Check section 3.2 on page 6-7.
I'm using the macppc NetBSD 1.5.2 Image to boot from. I put it into the CD-ROM drive and enter
boot scsi/sd@3:,\ofwboot.xcf
This will load the boot-loader. I get a prompt
This is the time to swap CD's.
>Nothing special here- I even took out my RAID card in order to make
>things simpler.
There's no need to take out the card. You need to use an external CD-ROM drive, and the RAID card won't make ny change then.
>That said- the funny thing is, sometimes I can actually boot the mlx
>image. Usually, I get to boot:, type netbsd.gz, and it kernel panics.
>Is this due to the fact that the mlx cdrom is ISO ? (contrary to the
>ppf, I have to use ISO filenames- OFWBOOT.XCF;1, etc).
Try to paste the complete output into the mail. This will certainly help.
Maybe you're right about the ISO-names... I didn't check that.
>...of course, now that I try again, all boots are failing with:
>loading .textCLAIM failed
As said above. Once you get a 'CLAIM failed' _nothing_ will work until you've rebooted the ANS.
>So the whole ordeal is pretty inconsistent. The one time I did get
>booted, I couldn't see any of the hd's (which do show up in OF).
>Any ideas?? Firmware requirements? Anyone actually get the OS loaded?
I've installed it onto 2 ANS, and I know 1 more guy who did it. He had no troubles booting it.
Best regards,