Subject: Re: Beige G3 - Unable to boot install
To: None <>
From: Christopher Tribo <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/11/2002 21:10:44
To the best of my very small knowledge, what happens is this:
patches are installed to NVRAM, then the open firmware environment
variable boot-command is changed to X bootr. bootr is the command in
NVRAMRC that does things based upon the boot-device variable. You'll
notice that it does a pattern match on ide0, ide1, enet and scsi and the
keyboard, installing various patches to things as they are used. This is
the reason that you have to reset-all when you change your boot-device
settings. So basically boot is an alias to bootr which is a forth
subroutine in nvram-rc that calls the "real" boot command after hopefully
doing the right stuff to make the "real" boot be able to do its thing.
On Thu, 12 Dec 2002, Markus W Kilbinger wrote:
> >>>>> "Henry" == Henry B Hotz <> writes:
> Henry> At 1:26 AM +0100 12/12/02, Markus W Kilbinger wrote:
> >> setenv boot-device ide/@0
> >> setenv boot-file netbsd
> >> reset-all
> >> 0 boot r
> Henry> What is the significance of "0 bootr" vice "boot"?
> In System Disk's installed OF patches this kind of function (I don't
> know anything about forth!) seems to be defined and '0 bootr' is set
> as 'boot-command'. So, it seems to be a kind of 'boot' patch for OF
> 2.4 on beige g3v2....
> Markus.