Subject: USB CF reader for ibook?
To: None <>
From: Dave Hudak <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/17/2002 20:09:00
I am trying to get a usb compact flash (CF) reader to work with netbsd=20=
1.6 generic on my white ibook (dual usb, 500 MHz).
I have tried a couple of readers (Smartdisk SM/CF combo and SanDisk=20
Imagemate SDDR-05), but those come up with the generic driver (ugen0) ,=20=
so I figure they are not supported.
Then, I tried the Genesys Logic USB storage device - it comes up as=20
umass0 at uhub0. Then, I get a bunch of lines saying:
BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, IOERROR
BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, IOERROR
BBB reset failed, IOERROR
After that, I have tried to access sd0 and sd1, but there was nothing=20
Does anyone have a usb compact flash reader working with netbsd 1.6 on=20=
an ibook? If so, what kind? Or do I need to build a new kernel?
I am pretty new to netbsd, so don't suspect a lot of expertise on my=20
end! Thanks for help.
David E. Hudak, Ph.D.=A0=A0
Karlnet, Inc.
525 Metro Place North, Suite 100
Dublin, OH=A0 43017
Office:=A0 614-822-5275
Fax:=A0=A0=A0=A0 614-822-0024