Subject: kernel config and xf86
To: None <>
From: Jeff <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/11/2002 10:09:41
Well, now that I have all the basic functionality I need, I want to
spice it up a little.
I'd like to remove xmacppc and install xfree.
Using a Powerbook G3 Series 266mhz (Wallstreet) 512mb ram.
I never compiled the NetBSD kernel before, but it looks like the docs
are pretty clear.
I'd like to do a couple things in the config.
1. I'd like to change the default (boot messages, initial login, etc)
to be a dark blue background with light yellow text. I did this in
Linux, but it took someone who really knew the guts of the kernel
config files to tell me what to change (just a few lines).
2. I need to build the kernel with 'options insecure'. That sounds
scary (in terms of security). Is there reason to be concerned on a
small home network, where the NetBSD machine connects via pppoe, and
will have little of value on it?
3. Are there any 'gotchas' that I should anticipate (keeping in mind
that this is my first time compiling the NetBSD kernel)?
4. Anyone have a functional xf86 config for the Wallstreet G3 Series
266? Anyone care to share or point me to docs?
Thanks for all the help!
PS After I get XF86 working, I'll probably just install 'screen' and
do everything from the command line anyway. But I like try this stuff,
just to learn more about how things work and what the machine/os are
capable of. So this is more of a learning process for a novice, rather
than anything mission-critical. And I _am_ very grateful for
everyone's input.
Jeffrey P. Hergan, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor of Philosophy
Saint Xavier University