Subject: pppoe probs
To: None <>
From: Jeff <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/06/2002 19:36:15
I've been trying for two days, without success, to connect to via pppoe.
I'm running 1.6 on a Powerbook G3 Series Wallstreet w/ 512mb ram and
using the built-in ethernet card. I have no problems connecting when I
run as ip (forwarded by OS X). So the card works.
I'm following the step-by-step instructions at
I did all of the steps properly. And I get to the point where it
suggests doing the
#pppoectl -d pppoe0
And my output is correct: it says 'session' etc.
But when I do the
#ifconfig pppoe0
I still see the> info instead of the real ip address.
And I cqan't ping an ip address--No Route to Host.
The instructions suggest that I'm sending improper authentication info
(bad username or password) but I triple-checked and did it a dozen
times, and still it won't work.
I tried using the 'callin' option in pppoectl. I tried adding the
provider name with
pppoectl -s pppoe0
Nothing seems to help.
So: does anyone have an connection via pppoe up and
running? What's the secret? What am I missing?