Subject: Re: x11 troubles
To: Martin Held <>
From: Markus W Kilbinger <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/14/2002 10:09:58
>>>>> "Martin" == Martin Held <> writes:
Martin> I need some help to get x11 running. I have already
Martin> compiled a new kernel with option INSECURE enabled and
Martin> have installed x11 from here:
Martin> Now when i try to make "XFree86 -configure" i got only an
Martin> error msg. you can see the output here (to mutch for
Martin> mail):
There seems to be no (known) graphic card detected.
Martin> The graphic card is a Radeon 7000 PCI (but i got the same error with a
Martin> Rage 128)
Martin> G3 Yosemite NetBSD-1.6D
Can you compile current xsrc for/on your machine? XFree86 4.2.1 is now
the default for macppc and contains many changes since the above
mentioned X-4.2.0-current snapshot...
At least on my tibook -current xsrc builds und runs fine.