Subject: Re: FAQ: Booting a 7300
To:, Martijn van Buul <>
From: Michael Lorenz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/12/2002 14:39:32
Hi there,
>Yes, i know. I'm asking a FAQ. My newly-acquired 7300 doesn't boot straight
>away into NetBSD, because the drive hasn't spun up. And I'm asking for
>hints how to fix it.
Hmm, have a close look at the harddisk - some ( notably IBM ) drives have a jumper labeled "auto spinup" or "delay spinup" and so on. Play with them.
This is omething they inherited from their higher end cousins where such behavior was (is?) used to spin up large disk arrays step by step and not all at once.
have fun