Subject: FAQ: Booting a 7300
To: None <>
From: Martijn van Buul <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/12/2002 14:33:05
Yes, i know. I'm asking a FAQ. My newly-acquired 7300 doesn't boot straight
away into NetBSD, because the drive hasn't spun up. And I'm asking for
hints how to fix it.
Yes, I've read the FAQ. Yes, I know this question is there - alongside
with an answer. The reason I still come bothering you is that the answer
doesn't work.
I tried patching the nvram settings. Unfortunately, this won't work, since
OF rejects it, since the 'NVRAM string is too big'. Any suggestions? I'd like
to have this critter boot unattended..
Martijn van Buul - -
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