Subject: Re:
To: =?iso-8859-1?Q?=22Sergio_Rodr=EDguez=22?= <>
From: Michael Wolfson <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/05/2002 20:04:26
At 1:23 PM -0600 9/5/02, Sergio Rodr=EDguez wrote:
:)what can do to boot netbsd from the HD to make the instalation
:)i have powerbook G3 pismo,
:)can some one help me y give the steps.
:)my cdrom its mestup
Please take a few minutes and read through the INSTALL.html that comes with
1.6_RC2. It describes everything you need to know. Briefly, you can place
ofwboot.xcf and netbsd.GENERIC_MD.gz on an HFS partition of your HD and
boot that.
-- MW