Subject: Re: boot delay / recovery from power failure.
To: None <>
From: Jeff Rizzo <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/21/2002 21:07:14
On Sun, Jul 21, 2002 at 07:14:48PM -0400, John Klos wrote:
> > First, the machine won't auto-boot from power on, because the drive
> > hasn't fully spun up yet. If I wait a few seconds and type "boot" at the
> > OF prompt, it boots nicely. Is there some OF trickery I can perform
> > to get this machine to delay booting until the drive is spun up?
> Yes; it's mentioned in the install documentation and in the System Disk
> documentation:
Thanks! It took some poking around and hair-pulling to figure out
that my system *doesn't* seem to like the system disk patches in
conjunction with the boot delay, but seems to be ok with it unpatched.
Thanks for the tip!
> > The other issue is, I'd like to have the machine boot after a power
> > failure without someone having to hit the power button; does anyone
> > have any suggestions how to accomplish this?
> If you're not afraid of playing with a couple of wires, do this: cut the
> green wire coming from the power supply, and short that to one of the
> ground wires. Make sure that the wire you short is the one coming from the
> power supply, not the one leading to the motherboard power connector. The
> machine will always be on after that.
I figured there was something like that. I'll probably wire a switch
in just in case this machine ever becomes a desktop again.
Jeff Rizzo