Subject: re: dual boot for beige powermac G3
To: None <>
From: Kamal Prasad <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/19/2002 20:02:20
maybe we need partititon-magic (a free version of it )
for ppc.
--- matthew green <> wrote:
> I have a beige G3, and there is not a dual boot
> loader that I've found.
> i don't know much about this topic, but i do know
> that the ppclinux
> booter (err, dunno it's name off hand) is able to
> dual boot macos
> (9 or X) and linux. i don't see why it shouldn't be
> possible to do
> this with a smart enough ofwboot.
> And I don't think we'll find one. Mainly as MacOS
> X and NetBSD have
> different OFW boot requirements. MacOS X wants
> real-base set to -1
> (ffffffff) while NetBSD wants it set to f00000.
> I dual-boot, but it's a manual process. When
> switching OSs, I change
> real-base, then 'reset-all'. I'm aided by the
> fact I netboot NetBSD, so
> disk partitions aren't a problem.
> i 4-way boot my G4/733 - linux, netbsd, macos 9 and
> X. netbsd is the
> only one that doens't boot from the disk (yet), but
> macos9 and linux
> share one drive, and X and netbsd share another. to
> boot linux or 9,
> i boot from hd0 and it gives me the linux
> bootloader. X is the default
> boot, and netbsd requires "boot enet:0 ...."
> MacOS X uses a boot partition to help load. I
> experimented with an
> installboot that would move its boot partition
> before or after the MacOS X
> one, so you could control which OS booted. But I
> didn't get it to work. I
> now realize I had disk spin problems, so I should
> try again. :-)
> please! :-)
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