Subject: Re: Apple Xserve support
To: None <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/10/2002 13:51:13
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On Wed, Jul 10, 2002 at 01:39:23PM -0400, Eric J. Feldhusen wrote:
> X11 got it's start back in the days when networks were
>  built with hubs, not 10/100/1000 switches, and it worked
>  well back then. It's only gotten back with time.

In all fairness, I think Kamal's thinking of bandwidth below the
standard ethernet requirements (think DSL, frame relay, or fractional
T1). For a completely dumb (but graphical) terminal, I think he's
got a point, but I'm not so sure that *anything* graphical performs
well in that context.

I X forward all the time (including right now, for the xterm in
which I'm typing this) across my DSL line at home, but I doubt I'd
want to be running the X server remotely. Imho, a local X server
(including xdm running locally) with clients running on remote
machines and displaying locally (ssh takes care of the DISPLAY
setting for you and certainly the encrypted stream performs quickly
enough for my needs, which aren't insignificant--I get *really*
irritated by any latency) is totally sufficient.

Use either NIS (across a VPN, obviously) or rsync+ssh (with a
passphrase-less key for root, the private key existing only on the
password master) to keep the accounts in-sync with the master on the
terminals. (I've got some half-baked shell scripts to do the latter
which I've been meaning to find time to clean up, convert to at
least Perl if not C, and daemonize, if you're interested in that
approach.'s been using the shell script version in
their lab full of Solaris machines four two and a half years now
without any real problems.)

gabriel rosenkoetter

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