Subject: Re: us.swapctrlcaps keymap
To: None <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/15/2002 21:17:32
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On Sat, Jun 15, 2002 at 03:10:25PM +0200, Martijn van Buul wrote:
> Aye. I've got such a keyboard too (And a Apple Design keyboard, which
> is a bit sloppy IMHO). Too bad that the keyboard with the "good" feel is =
> Apple Keyboard II from my Classic. It misses all function keys, some curs=
> direction keys (home, end, page up, page down, and has escape in the
> most illogical place - next to the spacebar. D-oh.
Weird. I've got an Apple Keyboard (that keyboard's predecessor), on
which caps is a really small, locking key in the way lower left
(meaning it's almost impossible to hit by accident), control's where
it should be on the home row, and escape's where most keyboards have
it, but I hate having it: way off at the top left. I think next to
space would be *better*, though obviously less standard. (My keyboard
keeps tilde on the left there and the \| key on the right, both of
which I want to be handy too, though, so I shouldn't complain.)
gabriel rosenkoetter
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