Subject: (workarround) Use keyboard/screen on Tanzania machine
To: None <>
From: Makoto Fujiwara <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/15/2002 14:32:27
mef> But Tanzania machine now only runs with serial console.
mef> That's should be true, either ttya or ttyb.
To be more confusing, sorry, this does not mean you can't
access kbd/screen.
You may use kbd/screen even on Tanzania box if:
(1) boot from input/output-device as ttya
(2) have wscons=YES line in /etc/rc.conf
(3) have uncomment screen0 line in /etc/wscons.conf
(4) (make sure you have ttyE0 line on on /etc/tty),
you can login from the kbd/screen.
Makoto Fujiwara,