Subject: Re: Yet another boot problem.
To: Konrad Rieck <>
From: Michael Wolfson <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/30/2002 14:30:49
At 9:08 PM +0200 4/30/02, Konrad Rieck wrote:
:)Maybe you recall, I don't have a floppy and I have no idea how to put
:)SystemDisk on a bootable floppy without having a running MacOS system. If
:)you know how to do that, drop a note!
You can dump SystemDisk to a CD-R or hard drive and it should boot.
:)This weekend I will get a MacOS CD and re-install the system *sigh*, and I
:)am going to keep you informed whether I succeed or run into more trouble.
That's not necessary. If you really hate MacOS, there are other ways to
get the patches onto the machine (e.g. over serial port using nvedit in the
Open Firmware environment).
Good luck,
-- MW