Subject: Re: Fw: 8600 hangs trying to boot from HD
To: Xavier HUMBERT <>
From: Michael Wolfson <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/30/2002 14:24:31
At 10:58 PM +0200 4/30/02, Xavier HUMBERT wrote:
:)In message <02a201c1f07c$e036e730$>,
:) wrote:
:)>although now if reboot, it chimes twice, does not boot up automatically, it
:)>gives me a flashing question mark on disk, and when I reboot again and check
:)>OF, real-base is set back to -1
:)You've got all the symptoms : your battery is dead empty.
That, or he has auto-boot? set to true, but has not changed boot-device and
boot-file to be the NetBSD devices. Thus, he resets and it tries to boot
MacOS since that is still the current setting.
-- MW