Subject: Re: bug in install kernel?? no DNS resolution
To: None <>
From: Izumi Tsutsui <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/26/2002 00:15:17
In article <> wrote:
> I should have realized I was seeing the same problem as I saw on
> my initial install(s): DNS resolution just doesn't happen in the
> install kernel. I can ping just fine, so the network is up and I
> have a route out to I just can't use the hostname:
> changing the host to the numeric address works fine.
Binaries on ramdisk in old snapshots before March do not support
DNS resolving. Newer snapshot should support it.
> The error is not exactly obvious (though it should have been to
> me): I get errors on ftp -a not being able to pull down the sets,
> and it looks more like a missing file or path error than a failure
> to connect.
Not all snapshot has X sets. In such case, you can't specify them.
IMHO, sysinst should continue installation if there is
no _fatal_ errors on extracting tar files, though..
(see src/distrib/utils/sysinst/util.c:get_and_unpack_sets() )
Izumi Tsutsui