Subject: Re: A challenge for the list
To: None <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/19/2002 21:54:39
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On Fri, Apr 19, 2002 at 06:39:46AM -0500, Donald Lee wrote:
> Any guesses from the list about what might have been wrong?
Though other suggestions here make sense, this sounds to me as if
your process table was full. (Thus root couldn't get a shell after
a su.)
> Any clever ideas on how to get a console when su won't work, and
> the console is not responding? (at all).
Not much to do in that situation.
One option is to add your user account to the operator group. Then
you could issue a shutdown -r now. (Which, subsequently, wouldn't
work for the same reason that su wouldn't. Make you feel better?
> I'd send_pr it, but I don't have much useful information to provide.
> I don't *really* even have a good description of what was wrong.
Might have been nice to check your kernel log. (You know, the output
of dmesg.) Does mac68k keep that between boots? If so, then you
might still be able to find it. (/var/run/dmesg is probably useless,
as it's probably just the messages from this boot.)
gabriel rosenkoetter
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