Subject: Re: PB2400 XFree86 16bpp
To: None <>
From: Martijn van Buul <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/12/2002 14:36:31
Luis Guillaume wrote:
> When trying to compile the XFree86 4.2 sources I got some compile failures
> and the thing just didn't work at all. Unfortunately I've lost the failure
> messages, but I still have the installation logs with the errors on them.
> The compile failures all had to do with "compile.h", I believe (would have
> to look it up if anyone is interested.)
Did you use the XFree86 source in the NetBSD 'xsrc' package? There's a patch
in the macppc section of the netbsd ftp site which you'll probably need
to apply afterwards.
After applying that patch, please see
You will need to change it (in ppcPciInit), as it is currently hard-wired to
use the UniNorth PCI bridge - while you will probably need the Bandit one.
Martijn van Buul - -
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