Subject: Re: FYI : macppc-1.5ZC snapshot
To: None <>
From: Xavier HUMBERT <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/05/2002 20:43:27
In message <>,
Charlie Allom wrote:
>I just installed this tonight. I found the boot.fs image didn't make
>/dev (it just hung before) and never got into sysinst.
It worked on a 8500, but not on a 9600 (the 1.5ZA boot.fs on works fine with these sets, anywway). Something's wronk
with this kernel, definitely.
Won't boot either via BootP on netbsd.install.gz (ungzipped)
I commented out everythink related to USB, and, as a consequence, the
"ohci" entry. Perhaps the problem is here ?
BTW, [who is responsible for the distribution stuff], don't you think
it's time to split the install fs into two disks, just as it is for a
while on i386 ?
Almost every kernel update breaks the "fit in a floppy" rule ...
Now that my fast G4/400 9600 is again up and running, I can build weekly
And with X, if I can figure out how to "make ditribution"