Subject: Re: Work needed to port to PowerPC 601 proc
To: Jeff Laughlin <>
From: Matthew Drobnak <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/25/2002 17:47:07
The 7200 is a PCI based PowerMac, it is not Nubus based. Afai knew, the 
only problem was that it has a soldered on 601, rather than 603 or above...

That being said, what would be in my way?


Jeff Laughlin wrote:

> Somebody jump in and stop me if I am way off base...
> Porting to the 601 (and therefor to the nubus macs) is a non-trivial 
> task. It isn't a matter of CPU opcodes being available or not, GCC will 
> compile PPC-601 code no problem. The issue is with the architecture. The 
> nubus architecture is completely different from the PCI architecture 
> that modern macs use. So it's not just a problem with the bootloader or 
> the compiler, it's sort of a "writing a bunch of low level drivers from 
> scratch for a weird and poorly documented architecture " kind of thing. 
> A lengthy and complex undertaking.
> That being said, I strongly encourage you to give it a shot! I (and a 
> lot of other people) would love to see NetBSD run on Nubus based 
> PowerMacs, and I don't mean to discourage you from trying. And hey, the 
> bigger the challenge, the bigger the payoff, right :)
> I assume that some people have probably done some amount of work on it 
> before...
> At 04:13 PM 3/25/02 -0500, you wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I have a Power Mac 7200/120 that I would like to get running NetBSD. 
>> Specifically, what type of changes are necessary to get it running on 
>> this machine? I'm assuming at least the bootloader, because people 
>> have not been able to get it to boot from the install floppy, but what 
>> other types of code use instructions that are not implemented in the 601?
>> Thanks,
>> -Matthew Drobnak