Subject: Neat drive speed measurement graphs
To: None <, port-macppc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jeff Laughlin <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/20/2002 06:13:51
I produced some nice looking graphs of my hard drive speed using iozone, a
free opensource disk io benchmarking utility at
The graphs can be found at
I should have noted on the graph that all sizes are in kilobytes, while
speed measurement is in kilobits per second.
For both read and write operations, it is clear to see how the disk cache
helps speed up transfers up until the size of the transfers exceed the size
of the disk cache, and then the speed is bottlenecked by the actual speed
of the scsi bus.
The read graph has a couple of "interesting" features, though. Note the
holes that occur around 8 & 16k files with 1k record sizes, and the less
prominent holes at 2k record sizes with 32 and 512k files, and also a
smaller hole at 8k files x 4k records. Can these be explained? They are not
present in the re-read graph, which shows a much more uniform slope.
The write graph isn't all that interesting, all though that little notch
and that little hole intrigue me. I probably should have used a different
scale to show more detail, but I wanted to use the same scale as on the
other tests.
The re-write graph is perhaps the most interesting of all. What the heck is
going on there? I should really run the tests 10 times or so and average
the results, it's possible cron decided it was going to execute a job or
something just then.
I would like to display the graphs with a finer resolution in the Z axis,
perhaps even a continuous gradient. I can't quite figure out how to get
excel to do something like that though. If anyone has tips for that, they'd
be appreciated.