Subject: Re: htdig 3.1.6
To: Ryan La Riviere <>
From: Michael G. Schabert <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/12/2002 18:03:05
At 9:31 AM -0500 3/12/02, Ryan La Riviere wrote:
>Hey all,
>I had recently installed htdig 3.1.5 and then the next day my system
>includes in the daily security report that 3.1.5 has some security
>vulnerabilities.   I looked and there is 3.1.6 (on the htdig site, not on
>pkgsrc) that fixes these problems.  I downloaded and tried to compile the
>source but it comes up with errors.
>c++ -c  -DDEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE=\"/opt/www/htdig/conf/htdig.conf\" -I../htlib
>-I../htcommon  -I../db/dist -I../include -g -O2
>In file included from
>DB2_db.h:49: syntax error before `*'
>DB2_db.h:51: syntax error before `*'
>DB2_db.h:52: syntax error before `;'
>DB2_db.h:58: syntax error before `*'
>*** Error code 1
>Does anyone know how to get this to compile?  I figure it's probably some
>little thing that needs to be changed but this is not exactly my area of

Hi Ryan,
The best place to start is by looking through 
/usr/pkgsrc/www/htdig/patches. That will tell you what NetBSD changes 
from the standard distro when it installs it. You may even be able to 
use pkgsrc to install it by overriding the checksum and changing the 
tarfile's name to match the older version.

Hmm, just to test, I was going to do the above stuff, but first I 
wanted to see what /etc/security was b*tching about. So I 'cd 
/usr/pkgsrc/www/htdig' and 'make install'. Hmm, it installed htdig 
3.1.6. Apparently you just need a newer pkgsrc. You should probably 
set up a cvs cron job to run nightly, since you've got a full-time 

Bikers don't *DO* taglines.