Subject: Re: PowerMac 8500: boot from install CD?
To: <>
From: Kevin Diggs <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/01/2002 14:46:38

    I thought XFree86 3.3.6 had support for the Mach32 in XF86_Mach32
server? I use an old EISA video card in my old PC that seems to work
fine (except for the missing DPMS support).

    What does the Mach32 have to do with a Mac?


Xavier HUMBERT wrote:

> In message <>,
> Robert Leenheer wrote:
> >XWindows does work on my 8500. No problem at all.
> You use the Xpmac server, do you ? In 640*480 on the OF framebuffer ?
> AFAIK, there's no support for ATI Mach32 in any release of X
> --
> Xav