Subject: Re: PowerMac 8500: boot from install CD?
To: NetBSD-ppc <>
From: Xavier HUMBERT <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/01/2002 07:17:40
In message <>,

>will this machine boot from an install CD? I have a spare floppy drive I
>can put in the machine if I have to, but I'd really rather boot from CD
>if possible.

First of all, you need patched SystemDisk, on order to make
keyboard/video available for OpenFirmware.

Then, instructions are found at
You can either download an ISO image or build one from distribution

Don't hope to use XWindow on this machine. There's no support for the
video card, the only device is the slooooow 640*480 OpenFirmwre
console. It works, though.

