Subject: Re: Installing on a PM4400
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/26/2002 02:19:39
> I'm running into a problem.  I can't get the PM4400 to boot from
> anything.

I have a PM4400 myself as my /macppc system.

I've been unable to make it auto-boot, but I do have it to the point
where it comes up to the " ok\n0 > " prompt on power-up, and if I type
"boot" there it boots.

I suspect it's not much help to you, because what I have in boot-device
is "ata/ata-disk@0:0", and I can't remember how I got there from
getting the machine with MacOS on it.  In particular, I can't recall
whether I first booted from the net or from floppy or maybe set the
disk up on another IDE-capable machine I have or what.

I'll be happy to chat about it off-list if you like.  (Assuming you can
get mail to me; it's amazing and depressing the number of providers
whose mailservers are behind path MTU discovery black holes.)

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