Subject: Installing on a PM4400
To: NetBSD \(MacPPC\) <>
From: Ryan La Riviere <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/25/2002 21:04:30
I'm running into a problem. I can't get the PM4400 to boot from anything.
I tried booting from the floppy that was created from the image on the site. I get this:
0> boot fd:0 can't LOAD from this device
I tried booting from CD.
Same deal as the floppy. Everything I tried ended up with can't LOAD from
this device. Once I got the DEFAULT CATCH and the CLAIM failed errors but
then went back to getting the can't LOAD problem.
I tried booting from an external ZIP disk.
This one is better but still not there.
0> boot scsi/sd@5:0, <anything here doesn't seem to matter> unrecognized
Client Program formatstate not valid
I am at a loss. I even, for shits and giggles, tried booting from the new
YDL 2.1 CD and it wouldn't even boot that. The only thing it wants to boot
is the Mac OS.
I've followed the instructions in the read me but this 4400 is giving me a
Any ideas?
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Ryan "My hometown is nowhere, my friends are everywhere." La Riviere
System Administrator; Drexel University