Subject: Re: issues with libm and SANE??
To: paul beard <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/21/2002 17:57:18
On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, paul beard wrote:
> Bill Studenmund wrote:
> > On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, paul wrote:
> >
> > How many packages have you installed with errors? I think you mentioned
> > pkg_add didn't work for one, any others?
> Oh, I don't know: I usually make install from source and all is
> well. But on this one, this would be the one I need:
So it sounds like there's no clear sign what package is to blame. :-(
> /usr/lib/
> since it has the math symbols I need.
Yep. The question is where did the /usr/pkg/lib/ come from. :-)
Does running nm on it indicate it looks anything like a math library?
You can try moving it aside and seeing if anything breaks. Or run ldd on a
lot of your programs and see if they mention that libm (ldd <foo> |grep
I'd say move it out of the way and see what happens.
Take care,