Subject: Re: PM 7500 success story & tips
To: None <>
From: Havard Eidnes <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/18/2002 23:54:17
> I was able to download and install a bunch of packages, wow that is =
> painless! However when I try to get pkg_add to automatically download=
via =
> FTP I get the following error
> bash-2.04# export =
> bash-2.04# pkg_add postgresql
> ftp: connect to address 3ffe:8050:201:1860:2a0:c9ff:feed:b7ea: No rou=
te to host
> That looks like an IPv6 address. Any clue why FTP is trying to use IP=
v6, or =
> how to make it NOT use it?
The DNS name has both AAAA (IPv6 address) and A (IPv4
address) information registered on it.
Your computer has apparently IPv6 kernel support, so ftp on NetBSD
will do as specified for IPv6/IPv4 dual-stacked hosts, i.e. try the
IPv6 address(es) before the IPv4 address(es). However, there's no
IPv6 connectivity between your host and, so you get the
"No route to host" error message for that address. I think pkg_add
(actually, FTP) it's going onwards using the IPv4 address.
I *think* the somewhat annoying error message will go away if you
configure, compile, and install a kernel which is compiled without the
INET6 kernel option, i.e. so that the kernel doesn't have support for
- H=E5vard