Subject: Re: more questions
To: None <>
From: paul beard <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/16/2002 07:59:46
David A. Gatwood wrote:
> On Sat, 16 Feb 2002, someone wrote:
> Remember that time on PowerPC is (generally) calculated based on bus
> speed. I assume that NetBSD does this as well (since I think that's the
> only processor-independent way to do it.... ;-)
aha. I do have a 233 MHz daughtercard (up from the stock 120):
perhaps that's the problem.
> A number of processor cards report a bogus number for the bus speed in
> their open firmware declaration rom, particularly when overclocked. Most
> OSes have an option for manually overriding the bus speed. I've never
> tried that under NetBSD, so I can't say for sure. Anyway, try finding a
> copy of the old Newer Technologies' gauge series and running Clockometer.
> That will get you a better estimate of the actual bus speed. Try that
> value.
> If it still drifts too much, get the exact number of seconds it reported
> in... say a day. Multiply the bus speed by the real number of seconds in
> the day, then divide by the number of seconds it reported in that same
> period of time.
It does, thanks.