Subject: Re: Install problems with Beige G3 (OFW 2.4)
To: None <>
From: Eric Damien Berna <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/07/2002 14:09:35
>At 11:45 AM -0600 2/7/02, Eric Damien Berna wrote:
>:)device name, I figured out the CD was at "ide1/disk@0:0". Using the
>:)boot command "boot ide1/disk@0:0,OFWBOOT.XCF NETBSD.MACPPC" all I get
>:)back is "unrecognized Client Program format state not valid".
>Huh. Sounds like your system can't deal with hybrid disks.
I would agree with that assessment.
>Would you mind
>doing a little experimenting for me? I have no direct way of proving a lot
>of the things the docs say about OF 2.4 systems.
Sure, I'll try anything I can. My goal is to replace an older Mac
running some network services under NetBSD with the younger, faster
G3. Since the other machine is working fine, there is no rush. Plus
I get the good feeling of contributing back to NetBSD. :)
Should we take that discussion off list and report back when we
figure stuff out?
>:) loading .text, done..
>:) loading .dataCLAIM failed
>:)So what am I doing wrong?
>As Bill said, we realized our mistake after 1.5.2 was released. This only
>applies when loading an older version of ofwboot.xcf from CD.
> -- MW
Eric Damien Berna