Subject: Re: PPC 603e-more specific troubles
To: Zelko Slamaj <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/15/2002 22:24:56
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On Tue, Jan 15, 2002 at 06:44:19PM +0100, Zelko Slamaj wrote:
> (v.2.0 btw)

You sure about that? That doesn't sound like any released
OpenFirmware virsion I've seen.

What precisely is the output of doing:

0 > dev /openprom
0 > .properties


What model PowerMac is this?

> 1.) I can boot that thing from a disk. Well, sometimes. Ok, it booted ONCE
> (but I guess, this is due to the old, crappy disks I've lyin' around here=

What do you mean by disk? (Floppy disk?)

What happens when it doesn't boot?

If it's just CLAIM failed messages, then you should just keep trying
boot fd:0 a few more times, maybe punctuated with a reset-all.
Certain OF versions (like 2.0f1) can be finicky about booting from
the swim3.

> 2.) I can't boot from a CD (internal SCSI-CD-rom). I've downloaded the
> iso-image for ppc, burnt it,... nothing. "cant't open...." I've set that
> thing even to ID7. I've tried "boot scsi/sd@0:7,ofwboot.xcf....." but no
> chance, says illegal partition, using 0

It's a good rule of thumb to never set SCSI devices to ID 7, as
that's where SCSI controllers prefer to live. (They can usually be
configured to a different SCSI ID, but not the ones built into

Letting the CD-ROM stay at ID 3 should work just fine.

The syntax above doesn't tell OF to boot the seventh SCSI device, it
tells it to boot the seventh partition of the zeroth SCSI device.
Presuming your CD-ROM is at SCSI ID 3, you want:

boot scsi/sd@3:0,ofwboot.xcf

Or, perhaps:

boot scsi-int/sd@3:0,...

Or, if your CD-ROM is actually an external device, maybe:

boot scsi-ext/sd@3:0,...

Some PowerMacs actually have separate internal and external SCSI
buses (the x500s were the earliest I know of), some don't. (On the
latter ones, scsi-int and scsi-ext point to the same place.)

Oh, and your OF probably has a simpler-to-type alias for your
CD-ROM, presuming it's internal. Type:

0 > devalias

to see.

> 3.) I have the files on my hard-disk, but it won't start neither....

On what kind of partition? Where?

gabriel rosenkoetter

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