Subject: packages/1.5/powerpc (Re: KDE Install)
To: None <>
From: Makoto Fujiwara <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/13/2002 13:44:53
> install on macppc port 1.5.2? The package collection
> precompiled files scattered all over the place
> (different files in 1.5, 1.5.1 subdirectories etc.).
Bill> I think the idea is that 1) userland code compiled for 1.5 runs just dandy
Bill> on 1.5.[12], and 2) there isn't a huge amount of free space on the ftp
My understanding is that 1.5 even includes all 1.5.1, 1.5.2 and 1.5.x..
By the way, is there any instruction to use pkg_create other than
pkg_create(1) ?
Makoto Fujiwara