Subject: Re: Serial interfaces
To: Peter A. Eisch <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/09/2002 02:16:19
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On Wed, Jan 09, 2002 at 12:59:39AM -0600, Peter A. Eisch wrote:
> My goal is to have the ability to run xmodem, for example, atleast as fast
> as 38400 and if I want to use the port at 9600 it would be nice to not ha=
> to reboot the machine.
Seems like a reasonable expectation to me. (Hell, I'd be expecting
better speed than 38.4... unless the Cisco--or the xmodem protocol?--
doesn't permit it.)
> I guess I can go into more detail about specific experiences, but I was
> curious if it's a serial driver thing or a hardware thing.
I think the easiest way to figure that out is to try doing what you
want under Mac OS (I recommend ZTerm as the terminal software; yes,
it does x- and ymodem transfers too). No, I'm not suggesting you use
Mac OS here (there are plenty of reasons it wouldn't be appropriate,
I'm sure), just test the serial stuff.
My memory is that I've seen NetBSD fail on macppc where Mac OS
suceeds without a hitch. This leads me to suspect our driver.
> For comparison, I do this with the the lunchbox sparc's very
> reliably, I just have this one situation where the guy seems to
> refuse to have anything at his site other than a mac. I guess we
> each have our own psychosis though too...
s,psychosis,religion, ;^> (Be glad his is about hardware not
software...) Would he be satisfied with sun3s? They've 68ks... ;^>
Anyway, I'm pretty sure this at least *should* be a SMOP, and
remembering how handy it would be for me to string all the
NetBSD/macppc boxes in a cluster used for research at together with serial cables moved reviewing what
problems I've had with zstty and zsc on macppc and seeing if can fix
them up on my list for the next couple weeks of down time. I'll pipe
up with anything useful I find.
gabriel rosenkoetter
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