Subject: Re: Serial interfaces
To: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
From: Peter A. Eisch <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/09/2002 00:59:39
My goal is to have the ability to run xmodem, for example, atleast as fast
as 38400 and if I want to use the port at 9600 it would be nice to not have
to reboot the machine. The scenario is one where the console on the mac
goes to the aux port on a cisco and the console on the cisco goes to the
printer port on the mac so I can do some remote support and management.
The xmodem comes necessary if I foolishly munge the cisco to where it has no
bootable image and I reboot it. The smallest image I can put onto that box
to get it running again is 11M, which running at even 38400 takes enough
time to afford me a nap and a nice meal while hoping it doesn't fail.
I guess I can go into more detail about specific experiences, but I was
curious if it's a serial driver thing or a hardware thing. For comparison,
I do this with the the lunchbox sparc's very reliably, I just have this one
situation where the guy seems to refuse to have anything at his site other
than a mac. I guess we each have our own psychosis though too...
> You're saying that you can use something that's not NetBSD/macppc as
> a console on a macppc machine reliably, but not the other way
> 'round?