, <port-macppc@netbsd.org>
From: Marc Bathgate <njfm@bathgate.org>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/05/2002 18:15:15
I spoke too soon - I finally managed to get IE to properly display the
install procedures.
I've remounted / and have gotten vi working. Basically, you can ignore my
last post, until I encounter a new problem, then it can be a reminder of my
newbie NetBSD status.
Marc S. Bathgate
CMC '05
> Forgive my ignorance, but I could use a little help here...
> I finally managed to get 1.5.2 up and running on a PowerBook 3400c. However,
> I am stuck in sh (actually, I've tried ksh and csh and there doesn't seem to
> be a difference) and I can't manage to edit rc.conf. So every time I boot
> the machine, I am dropped into single user mode (because rc.conf remains
> "unconfigured"), and nothing seems to work.
> If I attempt to edit rc.conf, or anything else with that matter, I am
> confronted w/this error:
> ed: /tmp/ed.00012a: Read-only file system
> With every attempt, the number (logically) ticks up.
> Any help here would be greatly appreciated. Man doesn't work, and I'm out of
> ideas.
> Thanks in advance!
> --
> Marc S. Bathgate
> CMC '05