Subject: Re: tlp0 vs de0 again
To: None <>
From: Michael Wolfson <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/29/2001 11:16:50
At 12:13 PM -0500 12/29/01, Josh Kuperman wrote:

:)I just tried to install NetBSD 1.5.2 from scratch on my PowerMacintosh
:)6500/300. I am actually getting good at it. There were only a few
:)annoyances. I removed all my external SCSI devices and installed on
:)the one internal hard disk.

Anything worth updating in the INSTALL docs?

:)With the 1.5.2 boot floppy I was able to install through the tlp0

This PR is ancient (port-macppc/10779).  I have only one tlp device (an
Asante PCI card), but of no one who knows more on this topic does nothing,
I *will* change netbsd-1-5 GENERIC to default to tlp with all the TLP_MATCH

Please, I'd rather have someone who knows *why* we continue to keep de as
default in GENERIC deal with the issue, and why we don't have tlp or
TLP_MATCH anywhere in netbsd-1-5 GENERIC.

  -- MW