Subject: tlp0 vs de0 again
To: None <>
From: Josh Kuperman <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/29/2001 12:13:01
I just tried to install NetBSD 1.5.2 from scratch on my PowerMacintosh
6500/300. I am actually getting good at it. There were only a few
annoyances. I removed all my external SCSI devices and installed on
the one internal hard disk.
With the 1.5.2 boot floppy I was able to install through the tlp0
device. That is the system on the floppy found, configured and
downloaded the distribution using tlp0. (I did get frequent ring
buffer overflow messages which as far as I can tell simply clogged the
screen and had no significant effect on operation of the ethernet And
it ran and 10baseT instead of 100baseT.)
When the install asked if the networking info used in the install was
right for the machine I typed 'y'. It dutifully configured the tlp0
device which was pointless as the kernel found and uses the de0
device. I have seen and have copy of numerous suggestions, but why
would the install program find and use one device and the kernel use a
different one when its the install program and kernel for 1.5.2.
It was easy for me to understand that I would have to reconfiguremy
ethernet when the install program didn't find it (when I installed
1.5.1) but now it seems that the install program and the kernel should
find or at least use the same name for the same ethernet card.
Josh Kuperman